EXIN Privacy and Data Protection Essentials EXAM

Paperback | English | 2015
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€267.41 €221.00
EXIN Privacy & Data Protection Essentials has been created specifically to test candidates on their basic understanding of data protection in the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), including the definitions, the requirements to process data and the rights of data subjects. The exam also covers how to organize data protection and the practice of data protection.

Who is this certification for?
Everyone that wants or needs to have a basic understanding of data protection and European legal requirements as defined in the GDPR. The Essentials exam is exceptionally suitable for everyone that needs to make informed decisions regarding the privacy and the protection of their own data.

Main subjects
Privacy and data protection fundamentals & regulation
Organizing data protection
Practice of data protection
More Information
FormatOnline Proctored
Product TypeExams
Publication dateJan 1, 2015
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