Business Process Model and Notation based on BPMN™ 2 Fundamental Courseware

Paperback | English | 2023
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€97.01 €89.00

This courseware is intended for educational purposes in Business Process Model and Notation. 


The Business Process Model and Notation based on BPMN™ 2 training introduces participants to the essence of the language. BPMN or Business Process Model and Notation is the standard for modeling business processes. Currently under the care of The Object Management Group® (OMG®), BPMN has had a checkered history which we believe reflects the complexity it seeks to standardise. Process models are much older than the kind of models that UML tried to standardize. These UML models often have a much more intimate relationship with software development. We can trace process models back to Frederick Winslow Taylor who was one of the first to attempt to look at production processes in a scientific way. This happened in the 19th century, at a time when people had unwavering faith in the ability of science (and technology) to solve all problems.


Before you can proceed to control, improve or even innovate the processes of your organization, it is important to provide insight into the processes. How do you ensure that the knowledge of individuals comes together and is transferable and accessible to the entire organization? As a modeling language, BPMN offers a standard for communicating about business processes.


BPMN™ is a registered trademark of Object Management Group® (OMG®) Limited, used under permission of OMG®) Limited. All rights reserved.

More Information
Product TypeCourseware
Length (cm)21
Width (cm)29,7
Publication dateMar 25, 2023
AuthorRob Vens
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